Govt calls on Opposition to apologise to Norway, IDB

–over wild accusations about Amaila Falls Project

An artist impression of the Amaila Falls project
An artist impression of the Amaila Falls project

The following is a press statement issued late last Wednesday night by the Office of the President, calling on the Opposition to “immediately apologise” to the government of Norway and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for deigning to suggest that they are involved in a conspiracy to violate the Constitution of Guyana. The following is the full text of the statement:

“For several years, the Opposition has revelled in spreading lies and distortions about Guyana’s development initiatives. Their sole objective has been to destroy the results of hard work undertaken by Guyanese over many years to advance our country.

“In its desperate attempts to destroy development projects, the Opposition frequently resorts to false accusations of corruption where none exists, in order to create a fog of mis-information that sows doubts and fears in the minds of the people of Guyana.

“In their latest foray this week, they have surpassed themselves by suggesting that the Government of Norway and the Inter-American Development Bank are “colluding with the Government of Guyana to violate the Constitution of Guyana”. Even by the standards of the Opposition’s ever-increasing wildness in their accusations, this is quite something.

“The Government does not intend to lower itself to engaging with such a preposterous assertion as has been made, but calls on the Opposition to immediately apologise to Norway and the Inter-American Development Bank. Both have long been supporters of Guyana in the global fight against poverty and the international community’s efforts to combat climate change. Their motivation in assisting the people of Guyana is purely honourable. Moreover, the idea that such a conspiracy could be concocted between the Government of Guyana, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Government of Norway is simply ridiculous.

“The Government, instead, would like to repeat the following points:

“On October 24, 2014, His Excellency President Donald Ramotar gave an address to the nation, concerning Guyana’s Low-Carbon Development Strategy, with a specific focus on Amaila Falls.

“In his address, President Ramotar pointed out that of the US$150M received by Guyana to date in payments for forest carbon, US$80M would be invested as Guyana’s equity in the Amaila Falls project. This is the same position that has been repeated for years, and which the Opposition previously supported.

“The President pointed out that in August 2013, ‘self-serving political games attempted to destroy the project that was about to benefit all Guyanese by providing them with affordable, reliable, clean energy.’

“His Excellency then proceeded to give the strong commitment that he would not give up in the face of such base-less attacks and that his Government would remain steadfast in pursuing this transformative project.

“The Opposition refuses to acknowledge that Government made more than four presentations to them on the Amaila Falls project, starting in March 2012 through August 2013. In addition, the Government shared the principal confidential agreements in the project and requested comments / questions on these documents. No questions were received.

“Instead of constructive dialogue and engagement, the Opposition is now focusing on disparaging our reputable international partners such as the IDB and Government of Norway, an ill-advised strategy that assumes that the Guyanese people and the world will choose to believe the picture painted by the Opposition vs. the rigorous standards that these institutions abide by.

“The simple fact is the people of Guyana are paying too much for power that is too unreliable. The Amaila Falls Hydropower Project offers the opportunity to address this critical need. It seems that since the Government is committed to bringing the benefits of this project to the people, the Opposition’s intent is to prevent its development. The Government will persevere despite these narrow-minded attacks and will continue to do what’s in the best interest of all Guyanese.”

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